We connected to the
vine produce fruits of change.
We must bear fruit in every good work, fruit of
changes, growing in every good work. We cannot stand halfway in the knowledge
of God, we have to cross, we have to go for more, much more than we have known.
2 Peter 1: 5-8 God wants you to have fruit in the knowledge of God.
John 15:16
The Lord will affirm, you set, for you to go and bring fruit. And if the fruit remains, you walk into an extraordinary reality of the kingdom of God. If your fruit remains in the midst of conflict, in between times, in the midst of adversity, Jesus says that whatever you ask the Father in His name He will. Therefore, some people do not get everything they ask for.
These fruits are the result of the will of the Father is in us and not our own.
John 15: 7 You remain in Him, He remains in you. Continue in his word, his word remains in you.
God chose you, Father in the midst of so many people I'll call you. God chose you, not your ability but by the ability that he believes you can fund. So from the vile, he despised the world what God chose to confound the wise. God does not call for talent, the wisdom, the strength of a person but for what he believed to be deposited in that person.
God has chosen you and made you, you are a seed that has been planted in a land as God's child.
Why do you put the Lord there? To go and des fruits,
to enjoy the fruits that He gives to you and to your delight not your own
pleasure but is the delight of what he produces in your being.
How the system works bear fruit? When we understand that God chose us, we planted fruit that always has to stay because everything God does remains.
Each fruit that remains is glory to God. Because Jesus said, "In this is my Father glorified", what?, they bring fruit.
How do we produce fruit? They are connected. We are connected to the true vine.
Jesus said "I am the vine and my Father, the gardener." We are the branches and branches must be connected to the vine, because the fruit is produced when we abide in the vine.
All the potential is inside and we are branches, we are the branches.
People giving fruit are that you understand what needs to happen inside. What is flowing within you? What flows within you is what makes you wise or foolish. What thoughts are running into you? Any thoughts of the flesh or of God, darkness or good?
God's thoughts is the sap that has to run within us, God's presence is like the sap has to work within us as long as we are connected to the vine, Jesus.
Produce fruit presupposes that we are always connected to the vine, we are always remaining in him.
Cristina life is to know God, to have the fruit of the knowledge of God and his son Jesus Christ because that transforms our life.
Romans 7: 4 God called us, chose us, gave the life of his son Jesus, so that we are from Him and carry fruit for God.
When you give fruit to God? When you are kind-hearted, when you're connected as a branch to the vine, Jesus Christ is the centre of your life, and that's when you start to bear fruit changes.
In Matthew chapter 13 says that the man who hears the word and understands it is He who gives fruit. Hearing brings faith and understanding knows what you have to do.
Why should we bear fruit? Because this is the Father glorified.
When you're living in the fruit, then you enter the new dimension of the kingdom where you can order whatever you want because it will be done by the Lord Jesus.
The fruits are a result of doing the will of God in your life. If I do the will of God because we become friends of God because we know what he thinks, what he does, we know its codes, we know His commandments, and we know how He works.
The idea of God in John 15 passages that give fruits is to move from being servants, but never let it be, to be friends of God because there is a relationship of trust and knowledge.
Peace is the fruit of reconciliation with God. We have become enemies of the world to have peace with God.
Now, if there are areas of your life that you are disturbing even the question is will that area of your life you've reconciled to God, you are living as God says you have to live?
Peace must be complete as the joy must be complete.
So we are in harmony with God in all areas of our lives?
¿Fruit, the fruit? It is a changed life is to believe in change and is not believing unchanged.
Believing with value changes is the kingdom, believing unchanged equals nothing.
Enter into harmony with God in the matter of bearing fruit because fruit is all we thought and belief led us to experience changes.
Changes have to do with that we do not do our will but yours, passes within us the sap of the Holy Spirit.
The key is that is happening inside you, that is what happens inside you.

We were put to bear fruit for God, the goal is to please Him, follow Him, that flow within us God's presence.
When you're connected to the vine, you never give fruit only for a while because the Bible says it will give fruit in every time and at all times gives its fruit and its leaf does not wither.
The life that seeks to please God and not yourself, a life whose priority is God in this life we see the fruits of the Spirit for God and for us because what we produce for God and also the son of God can also enjoy those fruits.
Then, look what is flowing inside you that make you believe in change. Inside you have to spread the word of God, His presence to produce changes in your being.
Pastor Carlos
Ministry “Jesús
es el Señor”.
Year 2015.
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