Chosen to bear much fruit.

John 15: 1-8
Sometimes there are desires in our hearts, to have
visions and do not know when they will arrive or when they will occur. But the
most important thing we have to do is remain steadfast in their presence,
searching every day and time and time things that will happen only has God.
Here in these passages Jesus says that we must remain
in Him, and through His word the Lord cleanses our thoughts, our consciousness,
He purifies us.
The only way we can be purified is through his word.
We can read the word but if we do not live, we will not see the fruits of God
in our lives.
You must live what God's word says to every area of
your life.
When Jesus says I am the true vine means that He is a
person, is within us, and my Father also says the farmer, that he is
responsible for pruning everything is dry, everything that is wrong in our lives.
We must stay and live His word that He may take the
necessary cuts in our lives. Many times when he is working in our lives, speaks
through His Holy Spirit.
God, our Father, who is in charge of producing the
fruit in our lives and who makes the necessary cuts to bear much fruit.
When Jesus speaks in these passages to cleanse us, it
speaks of a present and a future that continuously cleanse us that we may have
much fruit.
Through his word can we remain in Him, and He can
carry out its work. Do not waste time with things that are not going to build
your life, this always where God is. Separated from Him we can do nothing.
John 15:16 God chose you so
you move in life bearing much fruit and the fruit in which God is working to
occur in your life, these fruits remain.
You are not neglected, He chose you and has prepared
for you an inheritance that through their word are walking, they’ll live and
enjoy with your family.
The fruit that we have to look forward to see in our
lives is not the result of a natural effort but the source of that fruit in our
lives is the presence of God.
It is the very presence of God who draws us to live
these moments that God has prepared for our lives.
If you want to lead a life full of fruits, the first
thing to do is to know Jesus.
Psalm 1: 1-3
It is impossible to remain in God's presence if we are
connected to the wrong things, it will be fruit in our lives.
Only when we delight in his word continuously will we
stand under those streams that represent the Holy Spirit in our lives.
You can go through many situations that look like they
are going to bring you down but that does not mean you're not connected to the
source, his presence and do not bring young fruits despite the situation they
are going through.
Ecclesiastes 9:18
and Ezekiel 3:20 Every day we have to make the decision to stay
connected to their presence.
Psalm 92: 13-14. If you planted in
the house of the Lord and live connected to the source of his presence, do not
worry, do not fail to bear fruit.
God is our lab, the styles, works and brings us to
those times fruiting but the need hearts ready to cooperate with him in the
same way that he moves, obeying because it is a bond we have with Him.
Luke 13: 6-9 He will give many at this time a new
opportunity, you want to provide what you need for these fruits of the Lord
Jesus be seen in every area of our lives..
John 16: 7-8 does that work in our lives to convince
us we have to leave to receive what God has for our lives.
It is essential at this time that you. is connected to
the source, his Spirit, his presence if you want to bear much fruit. God our
Father, style, cut, working within us but He needs our heart of our willingness
to be connected to Him, attentive to obey him when he says this is wrong, to
hear when He wants to introduce us to other things.

Pastor Mariángeles Ibarra
“Jesús es el Señor”
Year 2015
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