lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014


Lo que declaramos en fe, va a ser probado…


   La biblia dice que la fe debe ser probada. Nuestra fe va ser probada.

   Quizás todo lo que te sucedió en este tiempo es con el motivo de probar nuestra fe.

   Cuando la fe es probada y después de la prueba la fe está en tu corazón es porque hay una fe genuina. Es porque está la fe de Jesús es tu corazón.


   Jesús es el autor de la fe. Él te ha dado una medida de fe para que creas. Y a medida de que tu fe vaya siendo probada, vaya siendo procesada, tu fe va a ir adquiriendo nuevos niveles.

Lucas 7: 18-23

    Aquí Juan el bautista estaba dudando si Jesús era Jesús.

   Juan el bautista fue el que dijo “vengo a preparar el camino para el señor”, “después de mi viene otro con poder y los bautizara en poder y fuego”. Fue quien bautizo en las aguas a Jesús y escucho la voz de Dios diciendo “este es mi hijo amado en quien tengo complacencia”.

   Pero ahora ese hombre de fe que predicaba y profetizaba estaba dudando.
Juan el bautista dudo cuando estaba en la cárcel.

   La cárcel representa ese lugar estrecho, limitado en tu vida, cuando no estas cómodo contigo mismo, cuando no sientes la total libertad para hacer todo aquello que quieres hacer y aun para creer.

   La cárcel espiritual es ese lugar donde lo que decíamos creer ahora empezamos a dudar en lo que creíamos. Y esto es lo que le pasó a Juan el Bautista.

   Juan el Bautista estaba en la cárcel, solo, pensando, tal vez “no debí denunciar a ese gobernante, me parece estoy aquí por mi propio carácter”, etc., estaba dudando de lo que antes creía.

   Ahora bien, Jesús le dice a los discípulos de Juan  el Bautista “díganle a Juan el Bautista lo que habéis visto y oído”. Porque la fe nos da testimonio de lo que hemos visto y oído de Jesús.

   A veces, de repente viene la soledad, viene la prueba y nos preguntamos “¿es verdad en lo que estoy creyendo?”. ¿Por qué? Porque esa fe va a ser probada.

   Jesús en otras palabras le quiso decir a los discípulos de Juan “díganle a su pastor, a su profeta que Soy todo lo que él dijo que iba a ser y que estoy haciendo todo lo que el una vez profetizo que Yo haría”.

   Eso es lo que Jesús es para nosotros “todo”, es completo, es poder, es sabiduría, es justificación, es nuestra santificación.

   Nuestra fe va a ser probada. ¿Y que vas a ser cuando tu fe sea probada? ¿Cómo lo soluciono Juan el Bautista? Yendo a Jesús el autor de la fe.

   Cuando la duda te visite porque tu fe está siendo probada, tienes que ir a Jesús al que creo la fe.

   Juan el bautista no podía ir pero mando a sus discípulos para que el problema de fe lo solucione el autor de la fe, Jesucristo.

   Mateo 16:5-8 Los discípulos estaban dudando porque no habían llevado pan para el camino y Jesús le dice “¿porque dudáis hombres de poca fe?” porque tenían la respuesta delante de ellos.

   Hoy Jesús es nuestra solución y nuestra respuesta.

   A veces no podemos entrar a lo mucho más de Dios porque no hay fe, y si no hay fe es porque la duda nos está visitando.

   Tienes que tener fe en El.

   Porque cuando tu dejas de mirar a Jesús cualquier problema te va a hundir.

   Si hoy estas hundido por cualquier situación de la vida, pero clamas al Señor, Jesús va a levantarte y volver a ponerte en el nivel de la fe que tienes que estar.

   Hay áreas en tu vida que has quedado detenido porque has dejado de creer. Si crees Dios puede hacer mucho más contigo.


   Tal vez en este tiempo estas como Juan el Bautista, ¿será o no será? Cuando lo correcto es que creas.

   Vuelve a la fe, porque el justo por la fe vivirá.

   Si crees Dios va a hacer mucho más contigo. Porque para el que cree todo le es posible.

   Quizás estés como Juan el Bautista, pero Jesús es quien resuelve tu problema de incredulidad con respuestas de poder.

Pastores Carlos y Mariangeles Ibarra
Ministerio Jesús es el Señor


Have a different attitude


Numbers 23

   Here the prophet Balaam was brought to curse the people of God, but could not because the Bible says that every blessing of God cannot be changed.

   However, the curse can be changed, can be broken, but undo the blessing of God is strong, powerful.


Numbers 23: 9

   The people of God are a distinct people. We may seem but we are not equal to all others.

   "Behold, a people shall dwell alone." We live trusting in God, the One who called us, redeemed us, and saved us. When we trust Him, He makes us confident, firm in all times and in all changes that may exist.

   "And it will not be reckoned among the nations." We  have been saved and redeemed by the Lord because He shed His blood to make us free from sin, guilt and condemnation. What for? To make us different, to give us a different life, a different life we mark the life that the Lord gives us.

   You are here to be different not to be found and enjoyed all the other nations, to mark a path, a different trend.

   A way that pleases God, a path of dedication, consecration performance where the Lord your will, your emotions, your feelings, your heart will render to the Lord for Him to do His will in us.

   His will for us will be living in a different, differently.

   You will not run after which all run, will not go behind the sin, disorder, fornication, love of money, the pride of life that God has called us to live a different life.

   God gave us a way in relation to the world, and we definitely have to walk in that way because we were separated and set apart for Him.

   The decree and we are His children, He already called us. And this appeal in your will is an experience within us that leads us to live differently.

Romans 12: 1-2

   When there is a delivery is the renewing of our minds. When there is a search for God and his word, there is a renewal of our minds.

   To have a renewal is necessary that can open the eyes of our understanding so we can see what God wants to show us.

   ... "But be transformed" ... Salvation is instantaneous from the moment we believe in the Lord with all our heart, and that God gave it to us because it is a gift from God. But the transformation is a process.

   What happens when we are renewed in the thoughts of our hearts?

   The first thing that happens is that you begin to see God's will for your life is perfect and nice.

   The will of God is not all negative, all adversity, all critical of desolation thou alive. The will of God has the feature that is nice and is prefect.

   The will of God is to be in good health and may prosper in all things, as well as your soul.
Lord, today I want to heal, I want to walk prosper in health, financial health.

   Although what we're experiencing today is anything contrary to the will of God, the most important thing is to understand that what is happening today is just like a stepping stone, a place where going to travel just for God to mold your character.

   Maybe today is just a process, only one time. God's will is for you to get there that is waiting for you and do not stop.


    At this time we ask the Lord to help her walk different, to be different.

    Us travel this life and always have that scent that scent in our lives than us. And it is their presence that causes all this on us. May the fire of His presence transform us at this time...

Pastors Carlos and Mariangeles Ibarra
Ministry Jesús es el Señor

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014


Lives before the Lord

Amos 3: 7-8

    v.7 God will do nothing without first telling you what he will do, God will do something great. And how big will do, will not do in ignorance. The first wants to let you know before it happens because what will happen is God speaking to you.

   v.8 God has to speak so that you may confess what God spoke to you. Can say what God says. If the Lord speaks we can prophesy.

  We are in a time when God is not silent, but God speaks to exactly what you want to give your people what their children want.
Believe God.

   God's Word says that the Lord will not do anything without talking. The Lord wants to talk to you so you know what you’re going to put your hands on these days to come. He wants to put tremendous things in your hands. The lion roars, roars system, people are afraid, and that God speaks and we prophesy Speech. "I believed, and therefore speak."

   If you believe that God speaks, prophesies that God speaks.

   In the world there is a crisis, but God is speaking and we prophesy.

   And that prophesy? We prophesy that we will do well, that in us this blessing of God, beyond all that happens around us.

   In him, This blessing of God. Do with your hands because you will be well on you. No crisis in him.

   Nothing happens at random, i.e., not just luck. To us God blesses us because we are before Him, before Him. It's not luck, it's God. We seek God, as we strive to be up to us from his presence forever. And would remember  that  we are always ahead of their presence when He acted. On the day that he acted is your preference, His special treasure.

   Revelation 1: 1 God is going to tell you about things that will happen soon, not bad what will happen, it's good that God sends into your life. In your life you are going to see the brightness of his glory as never before.

    We are in difficult times, we are living in times of crisis. The country is living in complicated times of crisis, there is a recession, but you no crisis. Son of God, God's people will shine the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ as never before.

    Matthew 4: 13-17 All a prophet says must be met or it is not God's word, not anything specifically sent by God (Isaiah 9). Isaiah had spoken of Jesus Christ was to bring light to a people who were in darkness. That's what happened to us because they believe in Jesus his light shine in our hearts, which were empty, darkness.

   Luke. 4: 16-21 If you let Christ rule in your heart this will be the year of the Lord for your life. The world is complicated, but the light of Christ to shine on us.

   Matthew 4:13 where Jesus leaves Nazareth reject and be a marginal area to Galilee but is there to change the situation with the word light of the gospel of the Kingdom. Jesus Christ begins to shine and places are changed because hearts are changed.

    I leave all that was opulence and was truly a place, taking their message need his blessing, to those who had been marginalized, outcasts of society, the family. Maybe many people passed the time of scorn, rejection, discrimination, Jesus is there to heal those hearts and shine in those hearts.

   If you give place in your heart the Lord will shine with his marvellous glory. When he enters the acceptable year brings to your life.

   When there is crisis in the world, you will always shine Christ and thou shalt be blessed in every stage, all the time. And the Spirit of God will inspire will lead to a life of victory in the midst of darkness, He will give you sustenance, shelter and strength to keep God. What you. Have to do is keep every day before God. "Lord lives in whose presence I am."

   Comes something big, something huge for those living God.

   We depend on the word of God and not what goes around systematically.

   Lucas4: 20-27 In Jesus all the promises are fulfilled. In times of crisis help is for those that please God, it is for one who is in front of God's presence living.

   Live in the presence of God, and you will realize that in times of crisis more He will bless you.

   We must be firm, do not abandon your position before the presence of God; do not leave the room before the presence of God every day. Keep your heart; watch your position in front of the living presence of the Lord forever.

   You'll have to stand in the area in which you lived and laboured worried, God will put in the rest of his wealth because wealth will be transferred to your life.

   Lives before the Lord, walk with the Lord.

   Judges 7: 20-21 When the human is broken and the wind blow that little flame causing a blaze of glory. Keep up firm in your position, Keep up firm in the Lord's presence, strong in the prophetic word of God Keep up. God will do great things with certain people in God.

   Isaiah 23: 17-18 God will make the business and profits are squeezed by many to be consecrated, set apart to God because He is to be transferred to those who live before Him.

   You're going to live differently because God because God has blessed you with abundance.
You have to live before Him, trust Him, because honors those who seek God.

   "Lord liveth before whom I stand"


Philippians 4: 14-19

Pastors Carlos and Mariangeles Ibarra
 Ministry Jesus es el Señor

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014


The perfect vision.


   In dimensional optical 20/20 is the correct view, the perfect vision. Today we will discuss the correct view, so you complements, you complete it. For you come to live by what God promised you, so it is written, and not stay adrift as the sheet is carried by the wind to and fro, so that you enter the security that God told you .


2 Chronicles 20:20

   The Lord wants us to understand that to believe is to have faith enough to support you in the Lord, in his word, and rest in Him. We are in a special time because God will begin to fulfill promises, purposes. You have to be on what God will do. You must use your heart well; manage well your heart, your mind, your words, for a feeling or a word, incoherent, which disagrees with what God is going to do can leave you out of what God will do. Watch your words!! Calibrate according to his will!

   How do I prepare for God's purpose is fulfilled in my life? what I have to do what the prophetic ?, preparation you have to do to make the promise real in my life?

   The prophetic preparation means, is ready without having received what he promised, but prepare with the same enthusiasm as if what was promised and what I have. The people of Israel blessed God before going to fight, celebrating victory before have victory. Something you have to do, it is to make, and it’s what preliminary promise.

   The child of God has to announce what is believing. You have to declare, proclaim the word, God's promises, because when the darkness lifted, victory and go, because the light will always prevail, because the word of God is a light. When you advertise a preparation, the prelude to victory and that statement shows what kind of person you are, if you are an unbeliever or a faith person.

   Your preparation is to make a commitment, a commitment that shows what kind of person you are.

   2 Chronicles 20: 21-22. Jehoshaphat stood and praising of the people who sing that holy garments went down. While they were also those who went out to war and fought armed people but not all together proclaimed and praised God. And God put victory in his hands.

   There were people who prepared, who was dressed in sacred garments, we have to dress in consecration, wear our heart of consecration, our heart must be pure, every area of ​​our life must be governed by God, there must be a will not ours but His. You have to have the ability to prepare to seek God, to depart, to be filled with his Spirit, his love.

    Everyone has to be prepared for all hold promise. We all shape our lives to the promises.
All have promise but not all find a promise. But when you discover a promise, that promise is your banner, it's your flag. You raise that flag in your home, in your family, in adverse situations, and proclamations the promise that God gave you. That proclamation reminds you that God promised you that the desire of life, different situations off, calms the fire of promise.

   You have to generate the atmosphere, the atmosphere in which you walk. Which always carries a praise to the Lord in your mouth.

   How do I catch what God promised me? The promises of God are, are channeled through the battles, struggles. Sometimes they come in wars, battles, rising against our life and it is because there is a promise to be fulfilled. If there is a desert because there is a promised land. Whenever something comes fulfilling promised there will be war, there will be a struggle.

   No one prepares you for war, also psych up that when you face this war, after the war the Lord puts in your hands the spoils.

   First: You have to believe God, not trying, not hold your nature that you are believing, but lean on God, to trust and rest in Him Hebrews 11: 6.. Aim to seek the Lord that He will pay you to look for it, it will reward you.

   The second: There are people who believe in God, believe in his word but do not believe in who is announcing what does not believe in his prophets.

   And the perfect 20/20 vision is that we believe God and his prophets.

  Some people have no problem with God but has problems with the people of God. That will stagnate. When solutions of your problems you have with the people of God something supernatural is going to happen to begin. You'll be in the perfect view, believing God, secure, confident, believing his prophets and you will prosper. Prosperity will come through his prophets.

   Prosperity comes from breadth of your heart to be taught, guided, trained, and instructed.
Whenever you connect to God, He will connect always prophets to establish prosperous life, always going to get authority from God to guide your life.



Prepare your life; prepare your heart for this time. Believe God, lean on Him, live safe and confident that what I already promised. Believe his prophets to be prospered. So, be in perfect vision, promises, loot the Lord puts it in your hands. Something supernatural will start happening in every area of ​​your life.

Pastors Carlos and Mariangeles Ibarra

Ministry “Jesús es el Señor”


The spiritual prison is not for you but freedom


   God is a God that transcends all time, timeless. When we are planted in him, connected with Him, we will never fail to bear fruit; we will always experience the blessing of God in our lives.


   The church, you have an enemy. One is the devil and the other is yourself. You struggle with thoughts, with character, every day we are fighting beasts. But the church of Jesus Christ has power and authority over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall hurt.

   There is a plan of God in our lives. And from this view we can understand many things. There are people that happen and do not know why things are happening that. However, if there are people who know that's happening, because the struggles, temptations, problems, knows the battle, which is because the enemy understands.

   That is why the apostle Paul says: "Fight the good fight of faith." The enemy wants to steal your faith to stop believing and stop looking to God and his power.
   The early church had an enemy, "Herod," which rose to curb the growth and multiplication of Christians. And that the enemy rises against your life to curb what God began to do in your life.

   Acts 11: 27-30; Acts 12: 1

   The church was experiencing moments of visitation of God, alongside economic crises, problems, evil rise. But the church moved prophetically activated and obeyed what the prophet said.

   Herod persecuted the church to maintain popularity, to be feared and acknowledged. The devil wants to stop, put plug, sowing fear in your life, things will lift to discredit your life, your leadership, to prevent the growth and expansion of the church. People come to sow thoughts, things in your life that are carefully strengths.

Acts 12: 1-21

   There are angels encamp around our lives. Angels are ministering spirits, who act on our behalf. There are armies of angels move in favor of the children who pray, who seek him.

  The enemy wants to put in jails spiritual people who have a calling, with promises, people leadership. Some people today are no longer serving for the devil to stop what God started making them. They are in jail spiritual discouragement, disappointment in self, family problems, debts, etc.

   Prison is not your place. Jail means narrow place, is a place of hostile voices, your ear gets dirty and hostile proposals. Prison is not your habitat, is not for you but the freedom of the Spirit. Because we were called to freedom. Get out of jail!!

   If you want to be free, to be put in great freedom and abundance, we must penetrate the Spirit into the fourth dimension with a fervent prayer, self disclaims all spiritual prison, and break every stronghold, every demonic guard the enemy up against of our lives.

  Perhaps there are areas in your life in which these imprisoned but prayer can pass through all resistance, overcome opposition. Prayer specified, aggressive, authoritative are those who confuse the enemy. Our prayer time action determines the dimensional realm.

  Get up, have the willingness to walk ... the Lord comes into your life touches you, makes you stronger, so you wake up, when you wake up, the chains will be broken. When there is an action of God to deliver their children foes are nil.


   The Lord has sent his hand on your life, sent his angel for your life, to bring a time of freedom, to break all spiritual prison, all spiritual chain and will not leave until you have finished your work until everything is broken, is consummated. And one day I pointed out everything that was chasing you that ceases to exist, it will die, it becomes final point.

   The angel of the Lord encamps around our lives.

   God tells you wake up, walk, I send my angel before you!!

Pastors Carlos and Mariangeles Ibarra
 Ministry “Jesús es el Señor”

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014


...Él es el reino… 
...en El…


   Cristo Jesús es nuestra dimensión.

   El reino en donde nosotros estamos es una persona, y esa persona es Jesucristo.

   El reino no podemos entenderlo naturalmente porque el reino es un asunto del Espíritu.

   Cuando el reino de los cielos se manifiesta a nuestra vida, todos los ambientes, todas las personas van a recibir cierto impacto por ese reino que se ha manifestado en nosotros. Todo lo que hacemos en cierta manera va  a ser alterado cuando se manifiesta el reino de Dios a nuestras vidas.


   Cuando el reino de Dios es manifestado a nuestro Espíritu desde allí Cristo es revelado, y comienza a afectar todo nuestro ser.

   ¿Por qué es impartido a nuestro espíritu? Porque todo cambio va a comenzar en el espíritu porque somos seres tripartitos (espíritu, alma y cuerpo).

   Las personas religiosas son las que dicen que los cambios se producen naturalmente. Todo cambio que va a producir el reino de los cielos, lo va producir primero en el espíritu.

   Dentro de nuestro espíritu habita el Señor Jesucristo, su presencia, su palabra. Eso es el reino.

   ¿Qué es el reino? El reino es la persona que habita dentro de nosotros.

   A veces, aunque no entiendas porque te suceden las cosas Él está contigo y Él quiere revelarse y ser conocido en tu vida.

Efesios 1:3-4

   v.3 Fuimos bendecidos con toda bendición. ¿Por qué con toda? Porque es completa. En El hay bendición total.

    Si Ud. quiere toda bendición no sea un hombre natural porque estas bendiciones están en las alturas y se manifiesta en los hijos de Dios que ponen su mirada en las cosas de lo alto y no en las de aquí abajo.

   v.4 Fuimos escogidos en El. ¿Por qué? Porque Cristo Jesús es tu dimensión de vida.

   Tú no puedes salir de esta dimensión de vida porque Él es toda tu dimensión de vida.

   En El fuimos llamados, en El fuimos escogidos porque si estamos en El podemos disfrutar de esa elección del Padre.

   Juan en el capítulo 15 dice que “separados de El nada podemos hacer pero en El podemos dar fruto al ciento por uno.

   En Jesucristo vas a tener frutos de cambios, de bendición, de prosperidad, de éxito en tu vida.

   Todo lo que necesitamos Dios, el Padre, lo puso en Cristo. Porque el Padre quiere que Jesucristo sea todo para ti. ¿Para qué? Para que Él sea tu universo, para que Él sea la dimensión en la cual tú te muevas. Porque en El vivimos, en Él nos movemos y en El somos.

   Cristo va a ser conocido en medio de tus problemas.

   A veces hay gente que para que Dios, el padre, pueda trabajar en ellos con el fin que Jesucristo sea conocido tiene que ponernos en escenarios, situaciones apostólicas.

   ¿Qué son escenarios apostólicos? La cárcel es un escenario apostólico, cuando eres perseguido, cuando eres puesto en lugares de soledad.

    ¿Para que eres puesto en estos escenarios? Para que Él sea conocido.

   Hay gente que tiene que ser puesta en escenarios apostólicos para conocer a Cristo, en persecuciones, estrechez, soledad, donde nadie te tiene en cuenta, nadie te llama. Pero ahí vas a ser consolado por el Dios de toda consolación.

   Él es revelado en escenarios complicados en tu vida.

   La gente que tiene un encuentro con el Señor Jesucristo vive en El, se mueve en El y Él es su existencia.

   Él quiere que lo conozcas a través de lo que estas atravesando. Cuando lo conozcas tu finanzas van a cambiar, tu casa va a cambiar, todo con lo que estabas luchando, lo adverso va a ser cambiado.

    Cuando lo conoces, no se trata de ti, de todo lo que tú quieres alcanzar, se trata de su gloria, de que Él está contigo.

   Muchas veces, el problema es que tú quieres que se trate de ti, de tu problema, cuando se trata de la Gloria de Dios, que quiere manifestar allí en tu dificultad.

   Los cambios no vienen por tu esfuerzo, vienen cuando Cristo se revela a tu ser. Muchas veces, nos hemos esforzado tanto que perdemos nuestra intimidad con el Señor.

   Él va a estar allí, si tu estas en El.

   Tienes que estar en El. Entrégale, tu conocimiento y experiencia a Él. Porque de esto se trata de cuánto hay de El en ti, se trata de su gloria.

   No se trata de lo que tu consigas con tus fuerzas, se trata de lo que consigas estando en El, se trata de su gloria.

   El apóstol Pablo dijo todo lo que he logrado lo estimo como basura, con el fin de conocer más a Cristo.

   Fuiste llamado a estar en El, y todo aquello que va a poner en juego, en riesgo el enfoque principal que el Señor le dio a tu vida, córtalo de raíz. Porque tu tienes que estar en El. Todo en El y nada fuera de El.


   En El vivimos, en Él nos movemos y en El somos. En El vivimos cosas que ni ojo vio, ni oído oyó, ni han subido a corazón de hombre pero que El Señor preparo para todos aquellos que le aman.

    Tienes que estar en El, porque en El fuiste bendecido con toda bendición espiritual.
Dios te llamo y te salvo para que ahora tu estés en El, vivas en El, seas en El y te muevas en El para que Jesús sea toda tu dimensión.

    Se trata de Él, de estar con Él, de su palabra, de su presencia.

   Reflexiona si en este tiempo tu estas en El o en este tiempo tu vida no concuerda con una vida consagrada en El.

   Tú fuiste creado para estar en El y no fuera de Él.

Pastor Carlos Ibarra
Ministerio Jesús es el Señor

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014


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