It is up to God and it is up to me.
It is up to God, you. I will not do. It is up to you,
you if you will.
Now God will not do what is up to you. And you are not
going to do it is up to God.
The problem for many is that they become magnified in
the role they have to have.
There are things we have to do, and we cannot expect
God to do them. Through writing, as we have our communion with God we learn
through the bible of the things we have to do. Once we learn what we do not
pretend that God will do because I do.
God can do everything for man is impossible. Writing
that what is impossible for man, for God everything is possible says.

We were wrong when we leave everything to God and we
were wrong when all we want to do.
The Bible says "he who seeks finds, and to him
who knocks it will be opened". It says something that we have to do. When
we do what He asks of us, there is a conjunction of forces, of power in which
we and God does. God will give us juggle their favour as we go by what is ours
to do as children of God.
Ecclesiastes 11:
v.2 "evil on earth"
refers to times of crisis, hunger, inflation, etc.
The error of many is that they do not prepare for bad
times. Nobody wants to build and prepare your life and your family for possible
bad days that might come upon the earth.
In the New Testament Jesus taught to prepare for storm
days, bad days. He says there are two ways to build. Built on rock, something
firm, solid or built on sand, quicksand you. They choose. But it's a fool who
builds his house on the sand because there is no problem as long as a storm.
Jesus says constructed so that they are firm at all times of life, in good
times and bad times when you come. Are still firm.
Jesus says "he who hears my words and does them,
that is the wise man who built on the rock."
The word of God teaches us to build for all the times
we have to go through. Jesus teaches us prepare to learn through all times.
v.3 There are things
that we cannot avoid because undoubtedly not depend on us. So why worry about
things that do not depend on us? Do not worry about those things that matter
for the God of creation. So Jesus says do not worry about tomorrow, because
tomorrow will worry about itself.
The word of God says, "Seek ye first the kingdom
of God and His righteousness, and all the rest, which need not be a concern,
will follow in seeking God. And this is going to do God and not you.
v.4 There are people
who watch a lot and stop doing what you do. When all is peace, tranquillity you
have to sow because they can come bad days and God will bless you for that seed
you've done even on bad days.
No planting having previously that security will reap.
What risks have faith? No, faith is being sure of what
you hope, faith is the substance, is part of what we receive. Faith is the
evidence of things not seen.
What is the best seed you can give? You believe your
delivery, your life, your time, your will, your strength in God's work, your
obedience to live according to his word. The best we can give is to offer
ourselves as a freewill offering, a living sacrifice to God. This is what we
can do. And what God is going to do that you can find, reap what you have sown.
Be sower of good seed.
v.5 Things you cannot
do, God will do all those things. When you know to do well and ignore what is sin
that God does not bless.
Sow and wait with faith and confidence. Many leave
because they have not allowed God to give him the fruit.
Sow your life, your time, your talent, your ability.
In each areas of your life planting. Do not let sow seven and eight. Your seeds
have a redemptive power that is going to be covered in the days when the earth
is living badly.
Let God your results. What's up to you to sow the
fruits and results depend on God because he knows the right moment in which I
give it. God makes all things.
See that your seed is good seed. And at the right time
God will make fruit.
Pastor Carlos
“Jesús es el Señor”
Year 2015.
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