It is decisive
Mark 7: 24-30
In these passages we see that Jesus had come to this place to rest, and had told his disciples that anyone knowing it was there. But then one Syro-Phoenician woman found out she was there and began to cry out to Him.
This woman turns to Jesus in a very difficult time in his life, and despite having many obstacles had been determined in his mind and no one could stop.
When Jesus comes into your life it is to give life and life in abundance. When Jesus comes to a home to live it is not a religion. When Jesus comes to a person it is because he wants to build a relationship with that person and drop everything you have for that person.
If at this time the Lord touch your life is because plans with you and He wants you to know.
God will not call it a religion; he called you with an eternal purpose and to teach first about your life a heritage of blessing.
God not only wants you to have eternal life but also to know that have a heritage of blessing.
Just as this woman that despite the obstacles and rejection was crucial,
he insisted until she got what she wanted. And we ought to be decisive in the
things we want God to answer us.
When Jesus looked at the Syro-Phoenician she screamed so insistently and his disciples wanted to silence the woman. Jesus will present a series of answers and even looks that could do with braking but she kept insisting.
May this is a time when God did not find discouraged and gives up trying. If you find it not determined to continue despite any situation as he lives.
Hebrews 13: 8
The same miracles that the Lord did before, you can do today and will continue to do tomorrow.
So before you get your blessing and what you behind. This at this time
do not let negative thoughts come or bad memories of what you. Step for this,
it will stop.
You must gather strength through his word and his presence to get what you. Want to see in the future. You get discouraged, does not seek the Lord, you. Cannot see what He has prepared for his life.
Jeremiah 33:3
God has great things for your life, for your family.
Many times we have silence from God but that does not mean that He is not working. God must be your life and the same hopes; you find everything that God wants to give.
1 Peter 5: 6-7
Often waiting, not seeing answers produces much unrest within us. But you have to surrender to the Lord, humble them before Him. For anxiety, being worried or anxious can get us out of God's plan and can lead us to move through our own strength.
And what we need is that God acted.
How do we expect? We hope humbling, surrendering, searching, worshiping, serving, to the best of our lives to Him and understanding that we do not lose time because God cares about every area of our lives.
So as well as the Syrian-Phoenician woman ran and jumped at the foot of Jesus
Matthew 15:21
Deuteronomy 7: 1-2 Here we see the first hurdle to overcome the Canaanite woman, that no Jew could relate or have mercy of a Canaanite.
Even when she goes to the feet of Jesus, He tells her that he had come to the house of Israel first. She suffers not only rejected by the condition of being a gentle, but also of the disciples who tried to silence her anyway.
If you is with so many obstacles, with so much opposition, it would move in the same way that the woman in this story? How far will your faith?
You need to believe in his word, look it up, and turn your faith in Him. Create your word.
Maybe this time you are waiting for what God will do. But do not move,
waiting that long ago you come looking.
Maybe others are the first at this time, but your time will come where your prayers are answered do, where things are you waiting begins to occur.
Wait, because that entire God has spoken to you and said He will do.
This woman overcame obstacles because I had faith. The first obstacle was the condition of Gentile, who won the second hurdle, was rejection, not approach the Lord Jesus. Even Jesus was silent and to continue testing their faith, did not give an answer immediately.
She was determined and Jesus gave an answer. She understood that if there is a first, she was second in the list.
We must be decisive; we must wait on what we want.

We must learn to wait, no matter who else has already received, you're next to receive what God has for you.
Do not be discouraged; do not let your arms, Get into what God has.
Put your eyes on Him, still, advances for what lies ahead. Because what He will give will surprise you. Just depends on your heart be determined, full of faith and trust in Him that He will do.
This woman before receiving the miracle was prepared with an attitude of humility, he humbled, bowed, overcame every obstacle. Because an attitude of faith, transforms itself many not.
You are responsible for everything you want to live in this time.
Trusts in God despite not see anything. It is crucial to get what you expected.
Pastor Mariángeles
Ministry “Jesús es el
Year 2015
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