What's after the failure?
All we have ever failed in some area of our lives. But we have a God
of opportunities. Maybe we tried again, but what about after a failure? Or what
do I do?
Many times after that something was not, it was not as we think, the
results were not what we expected our lives can be shattered but because of
what God can start over.
If you're passing by critics, adverse moments with God can start over
God always have a new opportunity to start over. God is no end to our
death, all end with God can be a new beginning.
The Bible says that we are clay in the potter. Here the word
"potter" means forming. God shaped you. Because one thing is to
believe in God and another to know God. And you have that to believe and know
Sometimes God has to create events, certain situations, to learn to
know. And the fact learn to know has to do with being formed by Him, treated by
God will be known in your problems.
When God begins to set us on his ways, to teach us His ways, He gives us
Sometimes God takes you out of your normal to take you to a new
way of listening to him and in a new place.
When we are in the Lord sometimes literally wastes that were bad news for something
you never imagined you could come to pass. But sometimes it is necessary to
dispose everything to make something better than had been done again.
He who called us is God, and not surprisingly, he did not call us to let
us as we were, we were called to transform. And the transformation is training.
You need a change? Let God be because in the process of training we change, we
will become increasingly different, come from glory to glory.
When you change worse is when you get rid in the world. When you change
for the better is when you get rid in the potter's hands.
With the ruins of your past, with the ruins of your failure God can do
something new, because He has power over your life to form a glorious future that
if you let God act, if you open your heart.
What God is going to be is going to be much better than it was before.
God can use a life that fell apart emotionally. That life is undone
hopeless life that is undone because it hurt because he feels emotionally
ruined, feels he has no value that life, that person God can do better still.
God can redo everything was spoiled.
You have to believe that your life in God's hands even if it is broken,
he can do something new.
With God we will never have an end station. God will never be finished.
God each end can be a new beginning.
Genesis 1:
1-2 Give place to the Spirit of God so that he might be
to heal your heart, free of all that has broken you in your life. Give place to
the Holy Spirit of God in you to be the start of something new. And this new
beginning with the Spirit of God there will be nothing and no one can stop him.
Matthew 1:18
Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit. What is conceived, born in/by the
Holy Spirit there will be nothing and no one can stop him, and that's the new
thing that God wants to do in your life.
Start with the Spirit of God.
Romans 8:38-39
Who shall separate us from the love of God?
John 3:8
Those who are spiritual are like the wind are taken without knowing where it
goes. Be one of the Spirit of God. You'll be extraordinary; you're starting to
live extraordinary things inside you because you have given the Spirit of
Christ in your being. It's live, it's feeling.
God wants to do a work of the Spirit to you, and God leaves nothing
unfinished. This new work that began with you is going to complete, the will
If you let the Spirit of God begins a new work in your life, from this
time going to be different, you will be transformed by his touch, and you will
be taken to a place where ever your human mind imagine you could reach for the
Spirit of God will be who will take you.

A work of the Spirit is what God wants to do with you that are what God
wants to do again.
You start with him, born of Him, your heart is from Him, you will be
taken as the wind, you will not know the actual course but as Abraham will
leave without knowing where you are going, an unsafe destination naturally but
a safe destination in the world of God's Spirit .
Pastor Carlos Ibarra
Ministry “Jesús es el
Year 2015
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