God's purpose
for your life
There is a purpose of God that is above the blessing.
Romans 8:
Salvation, justification, eternal life, all receives it free. All this
we get when we recognized the Lord Jesus. Because we were before the creation
of the world, we were predestined by God to be called.
We were called to salvation, which is in his Son Jesus. Salvation has to
do with going to heaven, started here but this is to spend the rest of eternity
in the New Jerusalem. So Jesus said "I will go to heaven to prepare abode
for you. For where I am you want them too.”
Your life itself should be a message to let everyone know you're a
Sometimes our life does not match the word and we have to put stickers
so people know we are Christians.
You have to understand that people have to see in you the word of God.
Because you're the bible that many will read in your life.
The Bible says that He already knew before us. Where did you hear about us? The
before God is before you sooner. What is this? The before God is above all
human before because your mind can go back in time and recall moments of your
childhood, your youth, but before God we have a limit and cannot reach.
Where the Apostle Paul speaks of before God, speaking of which did not
exist before the raw material or the time where God was just before all of
There is a moment before creation, before Genesis 1 where God met you.
In the above where He already knew us, began the plan of salvation, we
were predestined that we should be called one day by Jesus Christ to eternal
Predestine has to do with determining a destination before it happens.
Salvation saves you, and faith justifies you. This is free.
"And those whom he justified he also glorified." We are
glorified in the Spirit. You are in the spirit everything you are planning. You
in spirit have everything God you have to be said. When you grow up in the air
you will be glorified and cannot be glorified more than you now are in the
Salvation has to do with a position or a future place. It has to do with
being brought back to a wonderful person called Jesus Christ.
"those who have been called according to his purpose." Many times we
have accommodated the purpose word according to our needs. We take the word
purpose of its original meaning.
The purpose justifies our calling. And if we do not understand the
purpose nor will understand the call.
We were called by God for a purpose. What is the purpose?
"to be conformed to the image of His Son" ... to become like his Son,
that he might be the firstborn and not you. The purpose is for you to be
conformed to the image of Jesus Christ above all blessing.
God called thee, that thou mays be made. Shaping is formed according to
the mould. For that God called us to get into the mould and our life takes the
form of Jesus Christ who is above all blessing and prosperity.
Salvation and justification cost us nothing because it is free, it is by
faith and grace. But the formation to reach the image of Jesus Christ is going
to cost everything. And not everyone is willing.
But you understand what the purpose of God will have no problem with
other things that will understand that God is working and that all things work
together for good for that purpose is fulfilled in your life.
Romans 8:
16-18 Here we see two things, both of which the Father will
use to form in you the image of Jesus Christ which is the purpose sufferings
and afflictions.
God will give you a new identity, will be according to their culture in
united kingdom and its culture says you have to look like Jesus Christ because
that is God's purpose for your life.
God will use the least you imagine your life to form. God is going to
try to two ways outside and inside.
Inside, Jesus comes into your life, as in the Pentecost the Holy Spirit
was upon them and within them. When Christ comes into your life and the life of
Christ begins to grow inside you, your life changes, and your life takes the
form of what is inside you.
And without God uses abuse. God loves you but pursues everything bad
that is in you. "For your sake we are like sheep that are brought to the
slaughter," God wants to kill something there. Paul said, "I die
daily." God wants to end the pride, arrogance, etc. For not every day you
look like yourself more if you are not conformed to the image of his Son, that
he might be the firstborn among all the brothers.
If you are in this realm is not to be sees you in this realm but that He
will see through you in this kingdom.
When you understand this, your life will be the same Bible that others
will read.
Then when you're formed, made all things will work in your life with one
purpose to help well, well that your life will take the form of Jesus Christ
and is losing the carnal human form.
When you are in this process and understand that everything that is
happening to you is because God wants to fulfil his purpose. When you are made
by God to have the image of his Son Jesus Christ, no need to promote yourself,
people will realize that there is something else that is Christ Jesus living
within your life in you.
When in the process of God, seek the kingdom of God and let moulded by
God for this purpose is fulfilled there if what Jesus said in Matthew it is 6
that "if you seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all
other things shall be added unto.
When in the process, if you seek God in the same way the Spirit of God
will help you in your weakness.
Romans 8:
26-27 You cry because you do not understand what is happening
to you, but the Spirit of God intercedes but if you know that you are going
through what you are going for the purpose is fulfilled.

This is the main purpose for your life and everything else will be
Train your life that is the purpose of God.
Pastors Carlos Ibarra
Ministry Jesus es el
Year 2015
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