God uses the weak
God loves to use the weak and do something wonderful
with people who have limitations, which has many errors, which is imperfect.
2 Corinthians 13: 4
We all have weaknesses, flaws, imperfections physical,
emotional, and intellectual, spiritual as well.
What we do with our weaknesses?
People try to hide it, to excuse it, and then ends up
resenting that weakness. And that attitude prevents God can do something with
us that God can use even the weaknesses.
God uses the weaknesses but do not appear in our
logic. There are things we would do in a way but if we put in the hands of God,
He would do differently and will surprise us.
If you have a limitation, a need and say "I do
this, this and that" but if you're brave to put that in the hands of God, you'll
be amazed at the way God has to work.
God knows what to do with what sometimes happens to us
and we know how to handle it.
Why we need to take weaknesses in the Lord? Because he
has a different perspective of our weaknesses, so that the acts in ways that
are opposite to those that often we are waiting.
We often think that God uses strong people, and our
strengths. When in fact God wants to use our weaknesses for His glory.
What does God
want to manifest His power in weaknesses? Lest we depend on our strength
because the power of God surpasses all things.
1 Corinthians 1:27 God chose the
lowly things, the weak, not to keep you weak but that weakness in the living
force of God's power.
God chose ordinary and feeble to strengthen
intelligence but not with people with no extraordinary power, and weak people.
Why God calls him weak? Because God I never impressed
the strengths of man. God is attracted to weak, non-proud weak, those that
support be.
Matthew 5:3 God blesses this attitude to admit that
needs God, you need to trust God, their capacity is limited.
2 Corinthians 12:
5-10 The Apostle Paul, had projects, their project was to fill the earth with
the preaching but suffered persecution and even he was as a messenger of Satan
to buffet, referred to the opposition he had through situations, movements,
people who wanted to arrest the progress of the vision that he had.
Many times like the apostle Paul, we are not only weak
by our limitations, shortcomings, needs but also by the opposition we face.
In your deserts, God says He will open you the way. In
your loneliness God says He will open rivers.
2 Corinthians 12:
God will not do much when everything is going well, rather it will do something
much greater when you feel you are weak.
"When I am weak, then I am strong"; are you
want to be strong? Well stop wanting to be under the control of all situations
and areas of your life, and recognize that it is weak.
1 Corinthians 4: 7 You have to
recognize your weak nature that God begins to act with his power.
You have to recognize who is Lord, and you have to
recognize who you are.
Jesus said, "Who do you think I am?” And Peter
said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." You have to
know God. And you have to admit that you are weak, you're flesh and blood.
Jacob one night as he wrestled with God, said, "I
will not let you go unless you bless me." Then the angel struck him in the
thigh. God touched the strength of Jacob, God gave him to understand that he
did not need his strength, but needed it to be weak.
Since that day, Jacob could not flee and escape from
certain situations. He could not flee because of its weakness and that forced
him to rely on God.
Often we do not want to face things, we flee. But
sometimes God touches us where it hurts because that situation there generates
a weakness that leads us to rely on God.
The Bible says, "Trust in the Lord your
God." Lean on the Lord your God and do not lean on your own understanding.
If you want God to use you in an extraordinary way,
you must want also want to walk with a limp as Jacob for the rest of your life
with such God bless you, because God blesses the weak, God is with the needy,
the poor in spirit, for they shall be filled.
God uses the weak.

Recognize your need, acknowledge your weakness. It is poor in spirit and you will be satisfied. That's the attitude that God blesses.
Pastor Carlos Ibarra and Mariángeles
Jesus is Lord
Year 2015
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